Monday, April 14, 2014

Beatles Evolution

This really isn't and "evolution" of the Beatles, this is really just me stating my opinion about them. They were and always will be the greatest boy band of all time. For some odd reason it tends to be the British boy bands that always make it bigger than the American ones. Such as One Direction. They just seem to write catchier songs that are relevant to the time. For the Beatles, they wrote timeless songs that never lose value or meaning. Nothing like the songs of today that are so unoriginal and only focused on sexual innuendos and techno beats. I think every essence of the Beatles music shows their laid back peaceful character and even some of the songs they wrote while drug induced.

If you pay very close attention to some of their music you can catch some of their trippy references to drugs. like in the song ' Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' the first letters spell out LSD, a very powerful hallucinogenic drug that may actually cause you to see some of the sights they describe in Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Most of the Beatles music actually doesn't make sense until you really listen in depth to what they are singing. In the song 'Strawberry Fields Forever' the lyrics state "Everything is easy with eyes closed" not really meaning if you close your eyes and try to complete a task that it will be easy, but simply closing your eyes and forgetting the world makes stress fall away and makes life easier. I love all of their laid back psychedelic music because it usually calms me down and I just love the message they portray. My favorite song by the Beatles would probably have to be 'Here Comes The Sun'.

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